Friday, November 23, 2007

Tip of the Day: Gifts to Thank Your Clients

This is the time of the year to thank your clients and referral sources with a holiday gift. It can be treacherous road, since you may not know that your client suffers from diabetes or high cholesterol when you proudly deliver that yummy cake. And that bottle of wine may be wasted on someone who just gave up drinking. So what is a business owner to do? Here are a few ideas beyond calendars and pens.

Why not give a flash (or USB) drive or a staple-less stapler. These are items that your client will use every day. Other items that may be appreciated and a bit out of the ordinary are back massagers and lip balms.

My personal favorite is books, and for this you need to know a little bit about the recipient. If your client likes mystery novels, give him or her the latest Sue Grafton. Also, there are many beautiful coffee table books on the sale tables at your local book store, find one that appeals to your client. For example, I have a client who took a trip to India. She was absolutely captivated by the country, and she cannot stop tell you about her great experience. I have found a lovely book about India that I plan to give her, and I know that this gift will not add inches to her waist!

If you do not know your clients’ tastes, but you like the idea of giving books, you can give those that reflect your industry, or the region where your business is located.

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