Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Giving Thanks

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. A great thing about this holiday is that it compels us to take a good look at our lives and see the things that we should be thankful for.

Perhaps you were watching television this weekend, as I was, and maybe you saw interviews with celebrities, where they were asked what they were grateful for. Maybe you heard the standard answer, “I am grateful for my family”. Perhaps you were groaning as you heard them, and you wished that they would come up with something a little more creative.

But I find that, in my case, though I wish I could be more creative, indeed it is true; more than anything, I am grateful for my family, and for very selfish reasons. It is my family who has made me who I am. In my early years my parents and siblings taught me how to live a good life. They instilled a sense of fairness. They also taught me that life is infinitely varied and interesting, and it is all there for us to enjoy. As Rosalind Russell said in the movie Auntie Mame, life is a banquet (though alas she followed up with “and most poor suckers are starving to death”)

This view of life is such a gift to me because it has allowed me to try new things just because they are intriguing and might be enjoyable. I learn about something interesting and I want to take a crack at it, and why not? There is no Don’t Dream police that is going to tell me I cannot do it (And if there is such a police, I will ignore it!) If it doesn’t work out, well then, I have learned new things in my attempt, and that is wonderful because it will lead me down other exciting roads.

My parents are now gone, and so is my beloved brother, who passed away this summer, but my two sisters, my dear husband, my daughter, my son, and my son-in-law, and also my granddaughters and siblings-in-law, continue to give me their love and support. The whole lot is always there for me, cheering me on, telling me to go for it. Without them I would not be who I am, and I would not feel so free to try new things.

I know there have been people like that in your life; those who have given you support and freedom to attempt new things. Probably they have been members of your family, though maybe not. Perhaps it was a neighbor, or your first boss. In any case, be thankful for them; and if you have the opportunity, thank them in person. You would not be a business owners, or an aspiring business owners, if someone had not taken the time to teach you about exploring the world, taking risks, being willing to share with others. This is the nature of a business owner, and that is what a business owner does every day. Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world, but mostly it is a great gift to be enjoyed, so lets say thank you.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

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