Thursday, June 26, 2008

I Need A Logo!!!!

Marketing gurus tell us that we need to become a brand, and that the first step down that road is to develop a logo. Then we will use it in all our communications with the public, be it an add, a website, business cards, stationery, a blog, etc.

But developing a logo may mean hiring a graphic designer, who will charge hundreds of dollars or more. Don't get me wrong, I believe that the talents of a good graphic designer are well worth the hundreds of dollars that he or she will charge, and they deserve every penny. The problem is that many new businesses are counting pennies, and waiting to have the funds to hire a graphic designer may mean delaying the startup date.

Good news, I just came across a website that may be the answer to a new business's prayers. The address is This site allows you to design your own logo for free, though you need to buy the logo if you want to use it. You can design several logos, save them, and share them with friends and family. Your friends can vote on which one they like best,and you can make your decision based on their opinion, or ignore them and go with your own preference. And even though you must pay for your logo, the price is only $49.00. I think that this a great solution for a new business long on dreams but short on cash.

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