Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tip of the Day: Wacky Marketing Ideas

I found a list of wacky marketing ideas online, and I thought I would share a few with you on this Halloween day. Some were too wacky for me, like the one about nominating yourself for an award, but I will share a couple of my favorites.

1. Give a customer of the month award.
I thought this idea was great, not only do you thank a good customer; it makes you think about who your ideal customer is, which is something that I have talked about in previous posts. You can place a photograph of your customer receiving his or her award in your place of business. You can also take out an ad, or write an article about your award, and have it published in your local newspaper.

2. Hold a wacky contest.
One example is an ugly tie contest; or a mad hatter contest, where the public is invited to design and wear outlandish hats. Another idea is a pet costume contest. People love their pets and love an opportunity to show them off.

3.This one could be called wacky contest on steroids.
It is a very elaborate wacky idea that I saw on the nightly news last week. They had a story about a furniture store owner who announced in April, at the beginning of the baseball season, that if the Boston Red Sox won the World Series everyone that bought furniture from his store for a period of time, I didn’t catch how long the period was open, would get their furniture free of charge. They said in the news that about thirty thousand people took him up on the offer. He explained that he wasn’t loosing money because he had taken out insurance to protect himself from the potential lose, that became very real in late October. Think about this one for a minute, not only did he keep the marketing campaign going for six months; he got a huge bang at the end by having his story told on a national newscast!

I hope that these ideas get your creative juices flowing.

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